Chapter One


The beginning – the apprehension of fingertips hovering over the keyboard, not knowing where or how to start. Every story has a beginning, but at which point should you choose to start? Even the first word isn’t truly the very start. Is the beginning just the first letter typed or is it the forethought that went into the action? Better still is the beginning synonymous with my own start in life, and all the experiences that have shaped me, bringing me to this point?

Perhaps these questions are bigger than myself and this simple blog. Then again, perhaps they are the very questions we should be considering, particularly when discussing literature.

For now, let me start with a simple introduction. My name is Kate, and I am an Australian student. I have been a book enthusiast since before I could form words, and an avid reader ever since. My interests and passions are not tied to one place, but span across a wide variety of genres and the joy, knowledge and life that can be drawn from nothing but paper, text and our minds. This blog is about the delights of literature, my opinions on the books I have recently read and all things bookish.

The ability to read is a gift that we are often guilty of taking for granted. It can take us down many paths, open our minds and shape us in ways we don’t even consider. So, let’s share some of this journey together as I officially begin ‘Bookish with Me’.